Difficult Conversations About Beauty

Listening to your Gut with Special Guest Dr Agnes Warchalowski

Anita East Season 1 Episode 19

Speaking from experience is always the most authentic way to share knowledge, and Dr. Agnes walks the walk of 'chronic illness reformed' with nutritional medicine. However, not too long ago, Agnes was unable to walk at all. She relied on a walking stick due to severe joint pain. As a General Practitioner, Agnes knew there had to be a better way. How could she promote health to her patients when she herself was the picture of ill-health?

In this episode, Agnes and Anita discuss the rise in chronic conditions and the concerning trend of children now presenting with diseases that were once thought to be exclusive to aging. They explore the true causes of chronic conditions and inflammation, which can severely impact health and the way we look.

The episode also delves into the manipulation of messages. They shed light on what we're being told to believe, all in the name of freedom of choice, and the motivations behind those messages. Hint: often the same people create the problem and then offer the solution.

Lastly, Agnes and Anita discuss longevity research and solutions. They provide insights on how you can take control of your health and the health of your loved ones.

Dr Agnes Warchalowski

Dr Agnes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bio_alai/

Dr Agnes YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@bioalai8325

Dr Agnes Bio Alai: https://bio-alai.com/pages/about-us

Anita East






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